Success Story

Moisture monitoring for flat roofs

Flat roof moisture monitoring for early detection and prevention of damage, reduction of repair costs and construction times, promotion of sustainability.

Altmann Bedachungen GmbH is a family business that specializes in roofing work. They offer comprehensive services for roofs, with a particular focus on the monitoring and maintenance of flat roofs. With innovative moisture monitoring systems, they detect damage at an early stage, prevent expensive repairs and extend the service life of the roofs. Their service includes new construction, repairs and maintenance, always with high quality and reliability.

Hidden moisture damage: the underestimated danger for flat roofs

Property owners are faced with the considerable challenge that moisture often penetrates the building fabric of flat roofs unnoticed. The slow and gradual soaking of the various layers of the roof usually remains hidden for a long time, causing potentially dangerous problems. Over time, this initially inconspicuous problem can develop into massive damage, which is not only extremely resource and cost-intensive to repair, but in the worst case can even lead to the roof being completely demolished. This significantly impairs the structure of the building and requires extensive construction work to repair the damage.

Another significant problem is the documentation of damage. If the origin of the moisture damage cannot be clearly proven, lengthy and often difficult discussions with insurance companies ensue. These uncertainties and the associated costs are an additional burden for property owners. Without clear evidence, insurance companies can delay or even refuse to settle the claim, which further exacerbates the situation for those affected and can lead to considerable financial losses. This makes precise and early detection and documentation of moisture damage all the more important.


Innovative moisture monitoring: early detection and prevention of flat roof damage

To meet these challenges, Altmann Bedachungen GmbH has developed an innovative solution for moisture monitoring on flat roofs. Durable sensors from the manufacturer H2N are used here, which are installed in an inspection opening, such as a vent pipe. These sensors reliably monitor the humidity and temperature values both inside and outside the roof. By detecting moisture build-up at an early stage, damage can be identified and rectified in good time before it develops into serious problems and causes high costs.

The collected data is transmitted via the 0G Sigfox network provided by Heliot Europe, which ensures reliable data availability. If required, this network can be expanded with a Micro Access Station. The data flows into a special portal for visualization, where technicians from the subsidiary BMT GmbH analyze the information and notify end customers immediately in the event of water ingress. This solution enables Altmann Bedachungen to offer its customers a sustainable and reliable flat roof monitoring system that reduces high repair costs and construction times and extends the service life of roofs.

This early detection of moisture damage makes a significant contribution to avoiding insulation waste, which amounts to around 60 million square meters every year in Germany alone, and thus supports sustainability.

Der Altmann Flachdachsensor
SecuTherm Log Altmann

"Thanks to our system, damage can be detected at an early stage and repaired without great effort. This means that sustainability is actually implemented and resources are conserved in an ecological and economic sense."

Armin Altmann - Altmann Bedachungen
Armin Altmann
Managing Director Altmann Bedachungen and Secutherm Log

Monitoring moisture on flat roofs


Innovative system for moisture monitoring of flat roofs, early detection of damage and avoidance of high repair costs.


Construction / Building





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