H solutions load carriers & container management

Use Case

Glass rack tracking

Gain transparency about your glass transport racks and save time and money when managing them.

Challenge with transport racks

Theft and shrinkage, a lack of overview of the fleet as well as bottlenecks in procurement and a lack of visibility within the supply chain present glass and window manufacturers with a major challenge in times of rising energy and material costs:

of the Glass Rack fleet are lost each year
0 %
of the rack fleet are not used efficiently
0 %
price increase for the procurement of new racks and delivery difficulties
0 %

Digitise your supply chain

with H solutions Glass Rack Tracking and Box ID

Minimise loss

Europe-wide GPS / Wifi monitoring for more visibility. Misappropriation and theft are detected in real time.

Reduce circulation times

Faster return of empties and lower fleet requirements.

Optimise processes

Avoiding bottlenecks, monitoring critical process parameters and trends

Our END to END solution

Ready-to-use complete solution optimized for the requirements of the glass industry replaces manual rack management. Sensor technology, network access and a web-based software platform from a single source digitize your load carrier management.


Extensive sensor technology

0G Network from Heliot


Software platform

“With the solution from BOX ID and H solutions we have an overview of our rack inventory at all times. This transparency and flexibility has had a really positive impact on our business.”

Daniel Freund

Member of the Management Board / Weha-Therm

Download case study now

Our case study shows how glass manufacturer Weha-Term gained visibility in its glass rack fleet.

Find out how you can keep an eye on the inventory of transport racks at all times, increase the availability of glass racks and demonstrably improve supply chain processes.

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