H solutions Environmental & Condition Monitoring

Use Case

Solutions for measuring air quality in buildings

Keeping air quality under control at all times

Your challenges

  • Would you like to monitor the air quality in your buildings and know in which rooms the risk of airborne virus transmission is highest?
  • The safety and comfort of your customers, students, patients or guests are important to you, but you don’t have the right system for monitoring the indoor climate?
  • Are you already using inexpensive sensors to monitor the indoor air in individual rooms, but lack an overview of the entire property?
  • Would you like to reduce the energy costs of your property?
  • Do you need an efficient system to monitor the indoor air in your buildings, but are worried about starting your digitalization project due to a lack of expertise and a fear of complexity?

Our solutions.


Retrofit sensors installed in buildings of all kinds transmit status data such as (indoor) room temperature, CO2 ppm content in the air, humidity, TVOC (volatile organic compounds) or particulate matter values.

Powerful software

This analyzes the data and makes recommendations so that you can take action.


The solution is selected after your individual and industry-specific requirements have been recorded.

Advice from experts

A team of experts offers you a tailor-made complete IoT solution from a single source and supports you in the implementation of your digitalization project.

Individual offer

The right solution is selected after your individual and industry-specific requirements have been recorded.

Billing model

Talk to us about different purchase or financing models.

Suitable for retrofit installation

Gastronomy roomsGymHospitals and care facilitiesHotelsMeeting roomsOfficesPublic facilitiesRetailSales roomsSchools and day care centres

Your benefit.

Increase in well-being

Increase the well-being of your employees, customers, patients or students through data-based decisions. Use the database to improve the indoor air in your property and thus safeguard your health.

Quickly deployable solution

Be alerted if air quality limits are exceeded or undercut.

Always informed

Always informed about the current Co2 content of the room air, so that viruses have no chance to spread.

Optimum energy efficiency

Increase energy efficiency and reduce heating costs through optimal ventilation.

Quickly ready for use

Clear dashboard & powerful cloud-based software selected for your industry. Get an overview of which rooms have poor air quality in a matter of seconds.


Our experts accompany you through the entire process from hardware to interfaces, connectivity and implementation.

Low-maintenance and reliable hardware

No permanent power supply required, battery life of up to 10 years.


No need to set up large-scale networks, no local network (WLAN) at the sensor locations.

Quick implementation

Fast implementation and time to market through the use of a complete solution.

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