H solutions Environmental & Condition Monitoring

Use Case

Solutions for cold chains and temperature monitoring

Have temperature conditions under control

Your challenges

  • Have you ever had to re-deliver products because the first delivery was unusable due to excessive temperatures?
  • Can you prove who is responsible for exceeding the temperature if it is not accepted at your customer’s incoming goods department?
  • Have you ever had goods spoil because the permanent monitoring of environmental conditions was not optimal?
  • Do you need a system that allows you to prove your delivery quality by recording temperature and humidity values? However, do you have reservations about starting a digitalization project due to a lack of expertise and a fear of complexity?

Our solutions.


Retrofitted sensors transmit temperature and humidity values and can combine these with the measurement of other conditions such as movement, inclination, vibration and GPS position if required.


All values are transferred to powerful software. Here they are analyzed and converted into valuable insights for you. The knowledge gained allows you to monitor and control cold chains even better.


The right solution is selected after your individual and industry-specific requirements have been recorded.

Advice from experts

A team of experts offers you a tailor-made complete IoT solution from a single source and supports you in the implementation of your digitalization project.

Individual offer

The selection of the appropriate H Solutions solution is made after recording your individual and industry-specific requirements.

Billing model

Talk to us about different purchase or financing models.

Suitable for retrofit installation

Cold storesMeans of transport of different typesRefrigeratorsSales roomsStorage rooms

Your benefit.


Monitoring of the required temperature conditions during transport and storage by combining localization sensors with sensors for measuring ambient values.

Quickly deployable solution

Ensuring delivery quality and visibility within the supply chain thanks to close temperature monitoring and alerts if the temperature is exceeded or not reached.

Quickly ready for use

Clear dashboard & powerful software selected for your industry. Get an overview of the temperature conditions in a matter of seconds.

Easy installation and commissioning

Our experts accompany you through the entire process from hardware to interfaces, connectivity and implementation.

Reliable hardware

Low-maintenance, robust and reliable hardware. No permanent power supply required, battery life of up to 10 years.

Quick implementation

Fast implementation and time to market through the use of a complete solution.

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With our numerous solutions, we help you to master your challenges. Write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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