H solutions Smart Waste Management

Use Case

Internal waste management

Digitize your waste management within your company

Your challenges

  • You need a complete database to manage your internal waste management.
  • Constantly growing amounts of waste within the company present companies with the challenge of managing and minimizing it.
  • Lean production concepts require digital solutions, but you don’t know which ones?
  • Many different containers within the internal waste disposal system present a major logistical challenge?
  • Are rising energy prices leading to rising costs within your waste disposal system?
  • Do you need a sophisticated and efficient system to dispose of waste, but have reservations about starting your digitalization project due to a lack of expertise and a fear of complexity?

Our solutions.


With our H Solutions Smart Waste Management solutions for factory waste management, you get a sophisticated system to digitize your waste management within your company.


Retrofit sensors attached to bins monitor fill levels and transmit data on fill level, temperature, movement, battery level to powerful cloud-based software that analyzes data and provides information to optimize collection routes and speed up the emptying of full bins.


The right solution is selected after your individual and industry-specific requirements have been recorded.

Advice from experts

A team of experts offers you the complete solution from a single source and supports you in the implementation of your digitisation project.

Individual offer

The right H Solutions Smart Waste Management solution is selected based on your individual and industry-specific requirements.

Billing model

Talk to us about different purchase or financing models.

Suitable for retrofit installation on

Waste containers of different types and with a depth of up to 4 m.

Your benefit.

Efficiency increase

Order and efficiency in all waste collection operations within the company.

Cost savings

20-30% cost savings in in-house waste disposal.

Optimized planning

Planning waste disposal in advance through data-driven decisions.


Clean production halls through optimization of container capacities.

Simple integration

Easy installation and commissioning. Our experts support you throughout the entire process, from hardware to interfaces, connectivity and the implementation of your IoT solution.

Low-maintenance and reliable hardware

Battery life of up to 5 years. Dust and waterproof sensor technology suitable for different waste garbage cans.


No need to set up large-scale internal company networks.

Important findings

Important findings for strategic decisions on waste management policy thanks to the software's analysis function.

Quick implementation

Fast implementation and time to market through the use of our complete solution.

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