Success Story

Indoor air monitoring in more than 3200 stores of a German discounter

Installation of 30,000 CO2 sensors in 3,200 stores to monitor indoor air conditions and improve employee safety.

Customer is under NDA

Our client is a major player in the German retail sector, known for its wide range of products at highly competitive prices. With an extensive network of over 3,200 stores in Germany, it has secured a firm place in the everyday lives of many consumers. The company attaches great importance to efficiency and cost-effectiveness, which is reflected not only in its offerings but also in its operational processes. In order to constantly improve the shopping experience for its customers and meet the high standards of quality and freshness, the discounter continuously invests in innovative technologies and logistics solutions. The focus is also on sustainability, with initiatives to reduce plastic, promote recycling and offer organic products and fair trade goods.


The company demonstrates a strong commitment to the health and safety of its employees and customers, which was particularly evident during the Covid-19 pandemic through comprehensive protective measures and hygiene protocols. With its deep-rooted customer focus and striving for operational excellence, the discounter remains a key player in the German retail sector.

The challenges of the project include several critical aspects. First of all, the discounter must prioritize the installation of new industrial air conditioning units in its stores. This requires the recording and monitoring of temperature and humidity data in over eight zones in each store. An additional challenge is measuring and monitoring CO2 levels in the checkout area to protect employees from high CO2 concentrations during the Covid-19 pandemic.

A shopping cart with grocery products in a supermarket
Sensor Filiale Supermarkt IoT
Supermarkt IoT: CO2 Sensor im Einzelhandel mit Anbindung an das Internet der Dinge

Efficient indoor air monitoring: over 30,000 sensors installed in 3,200 supermarket stores in 6 weeks

The solution was developed in collaboration with Connected Inventions and Heliot Europe and involves the installation of over 30,000 sensors in more than 3,200 stores within six weeks. These sensors record the current temperature and humidity values every ten minutes and transmit the CO2 content in the checkout area.

The benefits for the discounter are manifold. By monitoring the indoor air in real time, the company now has better visibility of the conditions in its stores. This enables a well-founded prioritization of air conditioning unit installations and increases the occupational safety of employees by continuously monitoring the CO2 content. In addition, the collected data provides new insights into the optimal distribution of goods within the stores. Finally, comprehensive room air monitoring helps to avoid unnecessary installation of air conditioning systems, which means considerable cost savings (approx. EUR 10,000 per system).


Retail IoT: CO2 sensors in the supermarket


Equipping 3,200 retail outlets with around 30,000 CO2 sensors for indoor air monitoring. To increase work safety and to divide goods optimally.


Retail / Retail





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