On course for growth: Heliot Europe takes over Sigfox network operations in Denmark and the UK
Heliot Europe has acquired the Sigfox network operations in Denmark and the UK, strengthening its position as the largest IoT infrastructure provider in Europe.
The aim is to stabilize local networks, improve customer service and promote innovation in the IoT markets, particularly in the smart city and smart facility sectors.
Efficient logistics processes: Heliot Europe supports Planzer in the parcel business
Heliot Europe, the leading Central European network provider of communication solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) based on Sigfox 0G wireless technology, supports Planzer in optimizing the processes within the supply chain of its parcel network through the targeted use of networked sensors.
Milestone reached: Alps Alpine Europe, Heliot Europe and UnaBiz operate one million asset trackers in Europe
Alps Alpine Europe GmbH, one of the world’s largest developers and manufacturers of electromechanical
devices, celebrate the first 1 millionth Lykaner® long-lifetime asset trackers which have just been activated in the field with Heliot Europe, Sigfox 0G Operator of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Slovenia, and UnaBiz, massive IoT service provider and new owner of the Sigfox 0G technology.
Heliot Europe is a member of the mioty alliance
Heliot Europe greift seit Juli auf das Wissen der mioty alliance zurück und trägt zur Branchenentwicklung bei Wirkungshorizont des Unternehmens erweitert sich um Anwendungen in Bereichen wie Smart Cities oder Smart Buildings Mitgliedschaft ist nächster Schritt der Wachstumsstrategie von Heliot Europe München, 15. September 2022 – Der Internet-of-Things-Spezialist Heliot Europe ist ab sofort Mitglied der mioty […]
Heliot Europe once again a partner of the Bled Strategy Forum
Heliot Europe und ihre Tochtergesellschaft Heliot Slowenien erneut auf dem Bled Strategy Forum Teilnahme am Panel Nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle: Von der Theorie zum Handeln Heliot Schöpfer und Anbieter von grünen, nachhaltigen Lösungen für das Internet der Dinge (IoT) und der größte und exklusive Sigfox-Betreiber in Europa und unabhängiger IoT-Netzbetreiber Heliot Europe und ihre Tochtergesellschaft Heliot Slowenien […]
Sigfox operators launch initiative: making goods traffic from Ukraine and Eastern Europe transparent with IoT technology
Sigfox operators launch initiative to drive forward 0G network expansion along the trans-European rail corridor – for greater security and transparency in goods and food supply chains Sigfox Ukraine and Heliot Europe plan to provide IoT radio infrastructure for coverage along the train corridor from Ukraine to Western Europe Munich/Stuttgart, May 17, 2023 – Heliot […]